
Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Medical doctor Adè van Heerden will take part in the Miss World pageant in China in November as Miss World South Africa 2017.

Twenty-five-year-old Van Heerden, from the Western Cape, will be representing South Africa against 123 other countries in the competition which is watched worldwide by almost one-billion people.

The 67th Miss World competition takes place at the Crown of Beauty Theatre in Sanya, China (People's Republic of China), on November 18 when Puerto Rico’s Stephanie Del Valle will crown her successor at the end of the event.

The contest gets a new look this year with the introduction of Head to Head Challenge events which take place between October 21 and November 15 at different locations visited by the contestants.

Twenty groups of six (sometimes seven) countries will compete with the winner of each group automatically qualifying for the Miss World Top 40. This comprises the 20 Head to Head Challenge winners, five fast track event winners and 15 selected by the judges. 

 A schedule of the exact dates and times of each Challenge event will be issued after the Miss World Group draw takes place. This includes an online live broadcast challenge where the public gets to choose the winner.

 Van Heerden is a second lieutenant in the South African Military Health Services and comes from Herold’s Bay. She won Protea colours in rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 13 and was a gold medal winner at the All African Championships. Extramural activities include boxing and hiking as well as baking.

Says Sun International PR Manager Claudia Henkel: “We are absolutely delighted that Ade will be taking part in Miss World as she has all the necessary qualities to take the title; intelligence, integrity and beauty.”

 Pageant coach and fashion stylist Werner Wessels and Miss South Africa stylist Noreen Kajee-Vareta will assist Van Heerden ahead of her departure.

She will compete on the Miss World stage as Miss World South Africa 2017 as Miss South Africa 2017 Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters will be competing in the same month in the Miss Universe contest.

The 2018 Miss South Africa Pageant will be staged next year by licence holders Sun International, in collaboration with Cell C.

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