
Thursday, 30 November 2017

Durban and Pietermaritzburg Branch

Wednesday, November 29: Cell C KZN employee volunteers visited the Animal Anti-Cruelty League (AACL) today as part of the company’s #CellCKindness month. 

The AACL has been protecting and caring for animals since 1956. It is South Africa’s second largest independent animal welfare organisation, relying entirely on the generosity and goodwill of the public for financial support. The organisation gets involved with all aspects of animal welfare. They provide shelter for abandoned animals, promote an efficient adoption programme, prosecute animal cruelty cases, and manage feral colonies.  Sterilisation is a primary objective and where finances allow large scale sterilisation campaigns are undertaken for lower income groups.

“The AACL is overwhelmed by the caring and generosity of Cell C,” said Judi Gibson, General Manager of the Durban and Pietermaritzburg branch. “We cannot express what a blessing this donation is to the League. In these difficult financial times, every contribution towards the dire need for the care and comfort of the animals of KZN is greatly appreciated. On behalf of every needy creature that we are able to reach out to and assist, we extend a very warm and special thank you. Thank you, Cell C, for being a part of what we are doing, and the difference that we are able to continue to make in the lives of our voiceless friends.”

Cell C employees handed over kennels, beds, blankets, cleaning material and tinned food for the pets at AACL.

Says Dean Jooste, Regional Managing Executive: “We are delighted that we have been able to help the AACL in some small way. This year, Cell C introduced its Acts of Kindness campaign, with the aim to help crisis stricken individuals, communities and animals. It is a wonderful initiative that has not only achieved something positive but also brought our employees together for the common good.”

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