If you are travelling internationally and want to manage your budget and in particular your mobile phone expenses, the first step would be to ensure your data roaming capability is set appropriately to prevent bill shock. Cell C has partnered with more than 570 roaming partners in 194 countries around the world to keep you in contact wherever you go.
“The reality is you don’t want to be that person who ends up with a surprise bill that runs into thousands of rands after your trip. You want to enjoy your holiday, confident that you have turned off Apps and services that might use unnecessarydata,” says Michelle Beetar, Cell C’s Chief Customer Experience Officer.
“We have put together some tips for international travellers, to ensure your device is appropriately set up so that you can ensure that data is not the biggest expense of your holiday.”
The Data-Saving Holiday Checklist
This is how to turn off your data settings
On roaming, what can I get billed for;