It must be put on record that Cell C very specifically separates its sponsorship opportunities from its CSI initiatives, because they fulfil two very distinct roles within the business.
CSI initiatives chosen by Cell C are selected based on an identified need and with no expectation that it will benefit the bottom line. Programmes in this space include; the Cell C Take a Girl Child to Work day, including the Girl Child Bursary Fund and all the associated upliftment projects around those; Cell C's Random Acts of Kindness initiatives; our Rugby Legends development programmes and the Sharks development programmes, which provide upliftment and sports development in underprivileged communities; the Knysna Burn Victims aid initiative, the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation initiative, which teaches underprivileged children how to swim and the annual Cell C Playing for Pink Polo tournament that raises funds for survivors of breast cancer. And these are just a few of the initiatives that Cell C has invested in with no expectation of returns.
Sponsorships fulfil a very different role. All our sponsorships are considered carefully and are entered into ultimately to generate returns for the business. The rationale behind all sponsorships is to generate brand awareness within a particular market segment that allows us to grow our customer base. Examples of these include the Cell C Sharks and Miss South Africa. This was also the case with the Hilton College sponsorship which provides Cell C exposure among the families of the school and all the associated schools that compete in the sports arena with Hilton. Part of this sponsorship will also be used to provide financial assistance to enable a number of underprivileged boys to attend Hilton College on bursaries.